Thursday 21 December 2017

Week one Day One Activity One

I listened to Mum read me the story of Maui and the Big Fish. I learnt 3 interesting facts from this story.

1 - Maui went sailing in the waka with his brothers and caught a big fish that they now call the North Island and the waka is the South Island of New Zealand.

2 - Maui's grandmother gave him a giant jawbone that he used to help catch the big fish.

3 - Other interesting facts that I know about Maui are:

Maui reeled the sun back and pulled it back so the days are longer and Maui went into the earth and found fire.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liam

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey. You have made a great start to the programme.
    I think it is great that you had the story read to you. I still really like being read to .
    You have pulled out three really good facts about the story. You have understood it well.
    Maui was a little bit sneaky don't you think?
    Do you know any other myths or legends about Maui. We have lots in the library at school. Maybe you could read one sometime.

    Good job for you first activity.
    I look forward to reading your posts over the summer.

    Until next time.

    Allie :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.