Monday 22 June 2015

Main Star Healthy Lunchbox


  1. Hi Liam, gee your lunch box looks good!! I hope you thank your Dad for making it each day. All I had for my school lunches was 2 jam sandwiches so you are very lucky to get all this.

  2. Good work for keeping track of them and changing stuff out of your lunch box for healthier options.

  3. Hi Liam,

    It was interesting seeing what you have for your lunch. It's nice to see you have plenty of fruit and that you change things around a bit so it doesn't get boring.

    You are lucky there is such a variety of food for lunches now. When I was your age we had jam, or sometimes if we were lucky, vegemite and lettuce,or cheese and vegemite and it was usually on thick chunks of white or brown bread. We sliced the bread ourselves with a big bread knife once we were old enough to do it.

    Once a week we had a treat of a slice of our mother's yummy fruit cake and in season we had fresh apples or plums and nectarines off the trees on our section.

    Grannie Marianne


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