Friday 5 June 2015

speed test

I got a better score than last time and I need to get a better rank than this time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liam,

    Did you know that when I did my training to be a SecondaryTeacher one of the subjects I qualified to teach, along with Accounting, Economics and Shorthand, was Typing. Of course - away back in the late 1960's and early 1970's we didn't have computers, just manual typewriters - the sort you see displayed in museums and at Shantytown. Then about 1978 we got the first electric then electronic typewriters in the typing room at the school. There were all different sorts of electronic typewriters and some of them had memories and a white tape that allowed you to correct mistakes you made. Before that you had to use a typing eraser and learn to rub out the image on the paper.

    I used to teach all the third formers - Year 9 students. to type in their first year at high school - some of the boys used to mess around and pull the typewriters to bits if you didn't keep a close eye on them

    When we finished our teacher training one of the things we were expected to do was to know how to replace the ribbon on the typewriters when the ink wore out and also to fix any minor problems like stuck keys etc. It came in really useful when I came to teach at Greymouth High as there were no typewriter mechanics available - they only came from Christchurch once a term to fix anything that was wrong.

    Things have changed a lot since then.

    Grannie Marianne


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.