Friday 15 May 2015

Dawn of the red fang

Title: Dawn of the red fang

Author: Nick Page

genera: mystery/detective

there is a mearcat who is trying to taeck down the furry freedom fighters and the mearcat has a army of mearcats but the mearcats went shoping and the red fang got captured by the fury fredom fighters.


  1. Hi Liam, It sounds like you enjoyed this book. Meercats are very cute aren't they.

  2. Hi Liam, It sounds like you really enjoyed this book. Markets are cute aren't they.

  3. G'day,you seem to enjoy all sorts of books Liam,keep up the good work

  4. Hi Liam,

    Sounds like you enjoyed reading this book. Have you seen Meercats at Orana park or in a zoo in Australia?

    Don't forget to use spell check before you post your blog.

    Grannie Marianne

  5. Hi Liam
    I like this blog post because it has detail in the summary. I think you could have added in a picture so we could see what the book looked like. Do you think that you could have added more to this blog post? What was your favourite thing about the book?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.